Gait analysis

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What Is My Running Gait?

bottomThe term Running Gait is a term that new and experienced runners are becoming more familiar with and are beginning to realise how important it is to choose trainers that best match the way you run. Incorrect shoes for your gait can lead to a number of injuries from ankle pain to hip pain.

Your running gait, put simply, is the way in which you run. Imagine the way a car is set up. If the set up is incorrect or out of kilter, the tyres (your trainers) can wear unevenly and place stress on the axle (your legs).

By choosing the right shoes, you can redress the imbalance and greatly reduce the risk of contracting a “biomechanical” injury.

Over Pronation

Those who overpronate tend to push off almost completely from the big toe. As a result, the shock from the foot’s impact doesn’t spread evenly throughout the foot and the ankle has trouble stabilizing the rest of the body.

Support shoe needed.

Neutral Pronation

Neutral pronation occurs when the foot experiences a normal, healthy amount of pronation instead of overpronating. In healthy movement more of the toe area will be used when pushing off than in unhealthy movement. In neutral pronation the weight distributes fairly evenly among all of the toes with a slight emphasis on the big toe and second toe.

Neutral shoe needed


Supination occurs when the foot impacts the ground and there is not enough of an “inward roll” in the foot’s motion. The weight of the body isn’t transferred at all to the big toe, forcing the outside of the foot and the smaller toes which can’t handle the stress as well as taking the majority of the weight instead.

Neutral shoe needed

Gait Analysis done by trained staff using the human eye is free